Here are links to some posts on the other ‘Safe-for-Work’ Blog.
Long Term Effects of Recent Rioting in the UK
This state of affairs is clearly not sustainable over the long term. While I am not making outrageous claims about the eventual outcome such as a revolution, it is clear that UK is firmly down the path taken by east European countries in the 1980s where people lost so much faith in the government over 10-15 years that they had no further interest in the continued survival of their system. No amount of repression, threats or manipulation can make people support a system if they can clearly see it unable to deliver on basic promises and services.
Opinion Polls Are a Socially Acceptable Scam
But why have opinion polls started failing so badly in past 10-15 years? Why did they not fail so badly before then? Well.. to be honest, they did fail even back then but the lack of a viable alternative media or the internet at that time allowed those in power to memory-hole the failures. A further factor behind their recent famous failures (Brexit, 2016 and 2020 elections etc) has been the concurrent open failure of political parties and other institutions in the West after 2008.
Miserable Societies and Very Low Fertility Rates
Readers might remember that, about a year ago, I wrote a post on how internalizing the logic of neoliberal capitalism (especially by women) is one of the major reasons for the precipitous decline of fertility rates in western countries. In that post, I also talked about how this trend is anti-relationship, causes social atomization and will ultimately cause these societies to go extinct. This post is a continuation of that one, but focusing more on the other side of that equation, namely- how miserable societies cause very low fertility rates