Here are links to some posts on the other ‘Safe-for-Work’ Blog.
How Social Media Destroyed Holocaust Guilt
Nevertheless until the late 1990s and early 2000s, most people generally believed that the West was somehow responsible for the Holocaust- and then the internet started becoming ubiquitous. It was at that point an increasing number of people started getting their news from non main-stream media. While most people still think that the decline of mainstream began in the 2010s, I would argue that it actually started in the very late 1990s to early 2000s. Social media apps such as FakeBook, InstaThot, Twatter, TikTok etc just greased the wheels of what was an inevitable process.
Part 3- How to Identify Failing Nation States
Most countries in East Asia or even SE Asia have done very well, with the success of China being especially obvious. Russia has also done quite well since 2001. Now compare this to the trajectory of western “democracies”, which have suffered a multi-decade stagnation/regression in technological progress, living standards and most importantly of all- future expectations. While there are some systemic factors driving this stagnation/regression including such as demographical changes, it hard to deny that not a single western country is going in a direction of less dysfunction and more realistic hope.